Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mama's Premiere

Well Here I am. MAMA Stoddard. I am a mom. INSANE! This is our family blog. I'm sure only three or four people will ever read it, but I think that's probably for the better. Jon likes to be funny in his posts, So I am going to try and be funny too. Here are some things that aren't funny about being a mom:

-waking up at 3:14 AM to a pterodactyl  sounding baby who needs MORE food. The kid legit eats all the time.
-driving down the road hearing him cry because he spit out his binkie and there is nothing you can do about it until you stop at a random Sonic to help a baby out.
-being tired at 11AM. and 2PM and 6PM and mainly all the time.

More importantly, Here are some funny things. Ps, my random capital letters after commas are driving me crazy but I'm sorry, They are just coming so naturally.

-Figuring out a way to get the baby fed without having the hold the bottle. Holding the bottle and the baby is endearing for about two weeks. After that, its all about laziness baby.

Okay maybe that is only one funny thing. But on the real, being a parent is the best. It's so rewarding. The stars of 16 and Pregnant may not agree with that statement, but thats probably why you shoulndn't get pregnant when you can't even drive your parents car yet.

Well I gotta run. Actually I just have to go to sleep. Baby boy's gonna be up in rwo hours whining for his fix. LOVE it!


Mama Stoddard

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